Brew great coffee..

at home - or the office!

Espresso Machines
Filter Machines
Filter Coffee Brewers
Coffee Grinders
Heated Coffee Mugs
Filter Papers
  • Make it easy for them

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    hello coffee! - brings together 60+ top indie roasters and hand picks their best craft roasts for you to try.

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Brewing Guides

Master the basics or try a new way to brew your favourite coffee.

From Chemex to V60 - Espresso or Latte..

Jump in and learn all about the drink you love - Coffee.

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Coffee Questions..

How does brew method affect taste?

Brew method affects taste in many ways. Pour overs pull out nuanced flavors, Chemex makes very clean cups, French press yields a thick, full-bodied cup and coffee makers brew consistent, larger pots of coffee.

Moka pots make very intense, small amounts of coffee. AeroPress compacts flavors into a tight cup.

Cold brew mellows out the acidity while boosting the flavors for a bold smooth cup.

How do you choose the right brew method?

It depends how involved you want to get.

Ok, so if you’re looking for ease, use a coffee maker or an Aeropress or even make a cold brew. If you want to be more involved, but are worried about technique, go with Chemex.

If you love Espresso and your on a budget - Get a moka pot. Camping and want something portable? Bring an Aeropress!

Want to play around with your coffee? Then a V-60 pour over is for you.

Which brew method is the most versatile?

All brew methods can be versatile, but I think Chemex is a great choice for those people wanting to make coffee for more than 1 person and create a clean easy cup..

You can grind finely to make more of an immersion brew. All different levels of roast can work in a Chemex and taste beautiful!

There’s no coffee that a Chemex can’t handle.